Saturday, January 30, 2010

Beans, Barnacles & Bones

I'm bad about picking up trash on the beach.

One think I can't seem to pass up is a bone especially if it is fossilized or unique.

Here are some of the recent finds along with some barnacles and driftwood.

The beans of the day include a swamp lilly (top), some palms, a heart, and a candlenut along with a square chunk of jet.


mountainborn said...

John, during a recent trip to Padre Island we found bones pretty regularly, but know nothing about them. Is there an internet source or refrence books maybe >

Unknown said...

Hello John, was looking on the internet for seabeans and ran across your blog. I am wondering if you have tried to germinate any of the beans you have? I live in NM and would be interested in trying to germinate some of the beans you have found and most interested in the one you call Mary bean if you wouldn't mind parting with any, or any of the others for that matter. I find it so interesting and I have seen where persons have actually germinated them. I hope to hear from you either way. Great photos by the way, and what a great hobby.

my email is

I sure wish we had a beach that I could find some of these neat treasures. Thank you for your time.


Tera said...

I knew nothing of sea beans until I visited SPI last week. I was there a week collecting sea shells and taking in the beach. I stumbled across the book Don't Pass the Beans and realized I probably had not knowing what they wre. SO,I began to frantically find one to take home and couldn't. I did come across what I thought was a bean but looked like an avocado pit but in looking through your blog it was not an avacado pit DOH! It's out there for you by the Marisol :>

Drawn to The Sea said...

Hi John. I was surfing sea bean links & came across your very interesting blog. I'm looking forward to following you to see what treasures you come across.

Kind regards,

Unknown said...

The one you think is crabwood is really a Crinum Lily - Crinum americanum(swamp lily)